Senior Independence-
Aging in Place
Almost all seniors prefer to age in place. Home is where they feel most comfortable. But it may not always be the safest. If you are caring for elderly parents and are worried about their ability to stay safely at home, consider a comprehensive assessment and plan.
We do a detailed evaluation to gain a clear picture of your loved one's abilities and the areas where they will need extra support. We look at possible hazards in the home and the areas where problems may arise in the future. Then we develop a plan—call it a road map;—tailored to your relative's needs and resources. You can implement the plan yourself or have us do it since we are the eldercare experts.

Is dementia an issue?
Is dementia an issue? Have they been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease? Vascular dementia? Lewy body dementia?
Parkinson's dementia? Perhaps MCI (mild cognitive impairment). One in ten persons over age 65 has some form of dementia; two out of ten have MCI. In the early stages, they might simply need home modifications, such as a stove that automatically turns off if they forget and leave a burner on. Later there may be a need for precautions to prevent wandering or a need for personal care assistance, such as help with bathing or ensuring they eat and take their medications as prescribed.

Is it time for driving retirement?
We can coordinate a safe driving test, and if driving retirement is recommended, we will help identify transportation options. From driving them ourselves to doctor appointments, to Paratransit, the Council on Aging transportation program, or senior versions of Lyft and Uber, we make sure your loved one can get where they need to go.

What is their risk for falls?
Is balance an issue? Have they fallen before? A bad fall often results in a loss of independence and a move to long-term care. Fall prevention strategies may be advised, such as physical therapy to improve strength and flexibility. Or a comprehensive medication review to eliminate prescriptions or drug combinations that cause dizziness. Door handles and light switches may be too difficult for arthritic hands. The water temperature may be set too high, putting seniors at risk for burns. Grab bars may need to be installed for bathroom safety. We have even had a pole installed so a client could safely get up from a favorite easy chair.

Is your parent lonely or socially isolated?
There is a loneliness epidemic in our country, especially among seniors. Social health is intimately tied to physical and emotional health and well-being. Our assessment includes an evaluation of social opportunities and activities to keep your loved one engaged and mentallystimulated. From facilitating rides to worship services, to preparing activities appropriate for persons with dementia, our activities specialist provides insight and guidance to ensure quality of life for your loved one.

Can they take care of themselves?
Perhaps your elderly parents are frail. Housekeeping is becoming too much. Or they need help running errands. We can arrange for the best home care on the North Shore, on Cape Ann, the Merrimack Valley and beyond. Who sorts the mail and pays bills? If managing finances is becoming too difficult, we can recommend a daily money manager to give everyone peace of mind.

How is their diet and nutrition?
We firmly believe that wellness begins with good nutrition.In our assessment we check on the quality of the food in the house. Who prepares it? How do they go shopping? Is there food molding in the refrigerator? If heart disease is an issue, is your parent eating a salt-free diet prescribed by the doctor? If they are diabetic, are they eating thebest foods for diabetes control? For those who need extra help, our registered dietician will create easy-to-prepare menus. Or we can arrange to have food brought in. From local restaurants to a chef who prepares a week's worth of meals on site, we find creative ways toensure your parents are eating healthy and tasty meals.
Aging in place is feasible.
But you must be diligent with the details.
Put our experience to work for you, along with our knowledge of the local resources.
It's never to early to plan-
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